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Noor ul Ain Episode 6 – Review!

Ohkay so, this episode took the story forward but in all honesty, as the episodes are passing by, my interest in the show is deteriorating whereas it should be the opposite in any given case. I remember a few episodes in, quite a lot of people started pointing out that the story of Noor ul Ain was lifted from Bollywood movie Saathiya & seeing this episode & the preview of the next episode further proved that point. It surely is not a bad drama but somehow it isn’t sitting well with me that such a dream team came together for such a mediocre story? ( Even though the acting is spot on & the direction is perfect but the story lacks that charm & since it is so typical & predictable, it doesn’t excite my as a viewer to look forward to it every week!

Well, Ghazala continued to play her mind games. Noor’s mother actually tried to warn her but since she was being too nice, she couldn’t put her concerns through a bit more sternly. Noor’s mother while speaking to Qasim did say that Ghazala till date holds her responsible for whatever happened with Shumaila, which put things into perspective a bit more. Ghazala is taking so much of interest in Noor’s love life & is bent on bringing them together because she wants to somehow take revenge from Noor’s parents, especially her mother.

Noor has fallen in love with Khizar madly & that is why, she is unable to focus on anything around her. This love is taking a toll on Noor & she is clueless as to what she should do. To be honest, even though at first it seemed a bit interesting that Noor just fell for Khizar but now when the story has progressed, it somehow doesn’t seem convincing considering the sort of nature Noor has. Yes, they have tried to show that even a serious, focused & practical girl like Noor can blindly fall in love but since they have so many episodes to cover the story, it wouldn’t have hurt if they had added a little more depth into showing how & why Noor fell in love with Khizar so much!

I thought a wise girl like Noor would deal with this entire matter on her own, but to literally see her following the lead of Ghazala & her friend has taken away the charm from her character. Noor just looks like a child who doesn’t know what to do, like if she decided to be in love with Khizar despite seeing how her parents are opposing it, she should’ve had some sensibility to approach it her way too.

Ghazala continued to play her games & Noor kept on allowing her to do that. I really think Noor should’ve been a little alert after she found out that Ghazala spoke to Khizar posing to be Noor’s mom but then again, she trusts her a bit too much. Ghazala not only contacted Khizar but also tried to talk him into getting married to Noor without his mother’s consent. At least Khizar tried to talk to his mother but she didn’t budge but it seems that Noor has gone into this shell & she is not even considering talking to her parents!

The preview of the next episode suggested that both Noor & Khizar will get married on their own, hmmm Saathiya alert. Let’s see if there’s something else other than Saathiya in store for us. The team however scores full points for perfect acting & direction though. Please share your thoughts.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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