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Pakistan Idol Week 16 – Seventh Elimination!

Once again a bad decision made by the voters. It should’ve been someone who didn’t give a 100% in the performance but sadly, someone who got amazing remarks was made to leave the show. Really disappointed at this week’s elimination (AGAIN)!

The episode started off at a perfect note that suited the day but one thing that caught my eye was Hadiqa Kiyani’s shocking hairstyle. Not sure if it was a wig or her own haircut but whatever it was as usually it was hideous. I wish she focuses more on the judging instead of her styling. Bushra Ansari needs to learn the art of being graceful as in really graceful but sadly I believe according to her, age is just a number & hence, she is being over the top.

The results:

The first duo that came in to get the results was of Rosemary & Kashif Ali. At this point I thought may be Kashif will make a debut to the danger zone because clearly his performance wasn’t that good but I guess the public accepted & ignored his one-time mistake & therefore he was safe along with Rosemary, who clearly deserved to be in the safe zone because of her brilliant performance.

The next two contestants who had to face the result were Mohammad Shoaib & Ali Asad Zaidi. As much as I wanted both of them to be safe, I knew it wasn’t meant to be because realistically if we compared the two, Ali Asad Zaidi was definitely better than Mohammad Shoaib & because of that, he was safe sending Mohammad Shoaib to the danger zone.

The last three remaining contestants who had to hear their results were Abdul Rafay Khan, Waqas Ali Vicky & Zamad Baig. It was definitely a tough call because looking at the previous voting trends, both Waqas Ali Vicky & Zamad Baig should’ve been unsafe but surprisingly & finally Abdul Rafay Khan made it to the danger zone, followed by Waqas Ali Vicky unfortunately.

It was the time for a final announcement & for this Mohammad Shoaib, Abdul Rafay Khan & Waqas Ali Vicky had to come to the stage to face the result. Looking at the voting trends I knew Mohammad Shoaib would be safe but yes apart from the votes, he did deserve to be, because he has been improving. Abdul Rafay Khan was safe as well & sadly Waqas Ali Vicky was eliminated.

I personally feel that Abdul Rafay Khan shouldn’t have made it to the next round because his graph has clearly declined. Waqas Ali Vicky got criticised in the beginning of the Gala round but later he picked up the pace & performed brilliantly every single time. Whereas Abdul Rafay Khan hasn’t performed too well from the last 3 weeks in Waqas Ali Vicky’s comparison.

I think the respective cities have a major role to play in the voting count & fan-base. Waqas Ali got eliminated because he belonged to the small neighbouring town of Islamabad – Rawalpindi & therefore he didn’t get much support. Shahmir despite of being bashed every single time was proceeding to the next rounds every single week because he belonged to the main city. Zamad Baig & Waqas Ali Vicky have both been to the danger zone frequently because they belong to small towns like Mandi Bahauddin & Mian Channu. I feel Pakistan Idol will be chosen from Karachi by the Karachiites or may be from Lahore because right now only one contestant is representing the city & has a huge fan-following, because of the obvious reasons.

Anyways, I am disappointed at this elimination & I’m sad to see Waqas Ali Vicky go. I wish him luck, success & a brighter future. Share your thoughts on this decision & do you think it was fair?

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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