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Pukaar Episode 17 – 20 Review!

Ohkay so, I think ARY made the best decision of airing Pukaar twice a week because it compensates in regards to the slowest pace that this drama has. I got a chance of watching 4 episodes of Pukaar back to back & I found some scenarios & the overall slowness getting to my nerves at times, not to forget the excessive use of OST & that scary heavy-hearted ‘hayeee’!

Well, Tashfeen, who has zero value in Sultan’s life thought she had to protect the name & position of her son, therefore she joined forces with Laali to prevent Sarang from taking Fahad’s place. Like Sarang told Laali that he could feel she had already accepted him as her grandson but was not admitting it, I won’t be surprised if in the future Laali ditches Tashfeen & betrays her just like that because she by all means is a very selfish woman who puts herself above all!

Sultan did everything to make Sarang feel important & that is why when Sarang got attacked, he immediately took an action & confronted Tashfeen as he could sense that Tashfeen was capable of doing something like that. I think one of the most awkward & unnecessary scenarios was to see Amna & Tashfeen fighting over Sultan, as far as their animosity was related to their sons, it made sense but to see Amna using Sultan’s stay at her place against Tashfeen made me question that weren’t they all too old for this?

Sarang & Samra were bonding well but then by the 20th episode it got a bit clear that Sarang’s sympathy for Samra developed into his love for her. At first Sarang took it as his responsibility to help her but later, the more he helped her & saw how it affected Samra in a positive way, the more he made sure to keep on doing all that he wanted to for her & during this time, he grew affectionate towards her & then finally fell in love with her. It was unfortunate that Sarang could’t stop Laali from slapping Samra once again but he did realize that he now actually had to do something & that too quickly in order to set her free from this cage & this barbaric treatment.

I think the best bit about this entire drama is Samra & Sarang’s equation because of which the drama is working despite the unconvincing, cringey scenarios & extremely slow pace. I enjoyed watching all the interactions Samra & Sarang had, those were definitely nicely done & acted as a breather in a setting where the rest of the women are so pathetic & in need of a life!

Zulekha’s death was another unnecessary scenario that was created in this story. I just can not understand why Zamani has so much of power that she went ahead & planned a murder of a harmless girl like Zulekha? I really liked the Samra that we saw in the beginning who spoke for herself, yes, she does treat Zamani the way she should be treated, but Samra also settles for everything that Laali decides for her, which is so not in line with her character. Yes, Samra does rebel as much as she can but then again, there’s so much more that she can do but she just surrenders. Zamani & Laali’s scenes have become boring, repetitive & monotonous, they have devised a lot of plans against everyone, I just wish to see people taking a stand for themselves now.

Pukaar is a nice drama to tune to but the slow execution really tests the patience of a viewer. Also, so many episodes have gone by & Samra’s slow mo runnimg over the staircase with OST echoing in the background hasn’t stopped. We have seen it plenty of times I believe so the director should try something new. Zahid Ahmed as Sarang is the highlight of Pukaar these days. Yumna Zaidi though performing well is unable to pull my heartstrings because Samra’s character has taken bechargi to another level & I am not too fond of it. Also, I wish the editors stop relying on that HAYEEE so much, it just gets to me, ticks me off & is so so so annoying! Everytime the singer goes like hayeee, I go like haye not again too! Please share your thoughts.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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