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Pukaar Episode 21 – Review!

Ohkay so, these two episodes of Pukaar took the story forward, though slow, I was thanking the one who came up with a phenomenal invention in a drama buffs’ life, a forward button. I can’t really count how many slow-mo-slow-OST parts I forwarded because it sped up the process as well as minused the time I needed to complete these episodes.

So, Sarang found out that Zulekha was killed & she didn’t die naturally. I wish in stead of just letting it out there, Sarang had at least came up with proper evidence to end Laali’s game & put Zamani behind bars but he told Sultan & he straight away informed Laali about it!

The best thing about this drama for me has to be Sarang’s character. Obviously, he is a hero & he is shown to be the nice guy but what I like about Sarang is that he is more than that. He has a personality, he calls spade a spade & most importantly, he doesn’t shy away from speaking his mind & doesn’t even care who is at the receiving end of his bitter truth!

Sarang tried to get his message across to Samra through her mother Rabia that he wanted to rescue her & save her by getting married but he didn’t at first tell her that it was actually because he fell in love with her. Samra obviously grew distant from Sarang as she felt uncomfortable at the thought of getting married while still being emotionally attached to Fahad. I liked the scene which showed how Sarang felt burdened for being unable to tell Samra how much he loves her. I feel even though Samra will get married to Sarang to save herself but Sarang will geninely love her, with Samra eventually falling in love with him too.

I really want to believe that Touqeer is loyal to Sarang but from his vibe, I have a hard time trusting him. I expected so much better from Tashfeen but looks like she has turned into a psycho too, may be it’s the Haveli & the atmosphere there due to which she is acting like that otherwise she looks pretty normal but doesn’t act that way. Tashfeen & Amna’s interactions over Sultan are very bizarre as well.

I must say I have a hard time feeling anything for Samra because she is taking damsel-in-distress to another level, a wholeee newww level. I mean it is okay that Samra lost that spark, that drive, that confidence after she lost Fahad but when a woman becomes a mother, she doesn’t go around begging people to let her spend time with her son. Begging Zamani & then Tashfeen made me cringe more than feeling any kind of sympathy for her because she was introduced as a very brave girl who spoke her mind. If not for herself, Samra could have taken a stand for her son at least. Also, I wish they had paid attention to baby’s age because in one of the scenes it was a few months old baby & in the very next, they showed a comparatively new born resting next to Samra. I wish she owns her son & stops relying on others to give her the luxury of spending time with him, it is pretty bizarre!

Well, the next episode seemed promising with Samra & Sarang running away from that Haveli, let’s see. Please share your thoughts.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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