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Sehra Main Party Poopers – Episode 21!

Ohkay so, this entire episode was dedicated to Ayaaz, his insecurities & his jealousy. Honestly speaking, I would’ve gone easy on them in my review if it would’ve been the last episode because the note at which this episode ended seemed alright & they could’ve finished the drama off then & there but the preview of the next episode infuriated me & nope, there’s no scope of forgiveness left now because when they can show what they want to, then I can also say what I want to!

So, Ayaaz became the ultimate party-pooper because he was so insecure & jealous. Ayaaz wanted his Iqra back & he felt he lost his wife & his bachon ki amman because she was doing a job? I actually thought that he was joking but to add to my woes, he wasn’t. I actually couldn’t believe how much negativity was filled inside this so-called sugar syrup Ayaaz & I fail to give him a leeway that just because he felt useless, he became bitter. Accha, let me ask, who was the Iqra that Ayaaz was missing & wanted back in his life? That Iqra who would listen to her husband’s rants about how expensive the pampers have become or that Iqra who would always be tensed regarding how they will make the ends meet since Ayaaz was too happy with his scooty & wanted to escape his responsibilities of upgrading his income, despite knowing that it was he who upgraded the size of his family.

The initial part of the episode left me feeling disgusted because I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that in stead of breaking the stereotypes, the writer was feeding them to the the viewers even more. I know things got sorted in the end but that too only when Ayaaz fell in a deep pit. In stead of focusing on his burnt slice, when he had the time, Ayaaz should’ve sat down & should’ve analyzed how Iqra was doing everything to help her entire family. Ayaaz couldn’t congratulate Iqra for her car without taunting her about how she achieved everything only for herself. I was actually put off by the dialogues that were given to Ayaaz because a lot of time was given to the grocery items in this drama, so I so was not in a mood to find out the charges of the local plumbers or the prices of the kids’ toys.

Ayaaz couldn’t do anything in his life because he was too happy with how everything was & he didn’t want to step out of his comfort zone, at the expense of making the rest of his family members suffocated because of his incapabilities. All this while, we had only heard that Ayaaz wanted to ‘do’ something, he wanted to ‘give’ Iqra what she deserved but why was it that we didn’t see him ‘doing’ anything that he ‘said’? Looks like Ayaaz believed in theory more than practicality that is why it was easier for him to be wishful rather than moving a muscle to achieve what his family needed & wished for.

Well, Iqra’s boss told her that he will give her a week to sort her family issues but I guess in other words he was saying ‘ke app is 1 haftay mai dua karain ke appke husband phislain takay unki band aqal ke taalay khulain’ & voila, this is exactly what happened, Ayaaz injured himself & when he went from being partially useless to completely useless, he understood that he was wrong, how convenient isn’t it? Accha, let’s suppose that if that red van hadn’t hit Ayaaz, would anything in him or his personality had changed? I don’t think so! Why was it that when Ayaaz hit the rock bottom, he then realized that he was being selfish? Like wasn’t there a built-in switch of soul searching or self-realization in a selfless man like him? Well, even though we didn’t see who he was but I will have to thank the driver of the red van because he will remain the “unsung hero” of this drama because if it wasn’t for his negligent driving, Iqra’s life would’ve never changed & her husband would’ve always remained a party-pooper!

Well, everything was rosy posy at the end & I was happy for Iqra that she achieved what she wanted to, even got the car that initially became the bone of contention between her & her husband but the preview infuriated me so much. I guess this drama was about Iqra, so how in the world did the writer assume that we’d be thrilled to see how her kids turned out to be? Sorry, we’re not INTERESTED & chalo if the writer had shown her kids to be appreciative of what their mother did for them, it would’ve made sense but I guess the villains of this dramas get a lot of screen-time & keep on replacing each other that too for no purpose whatsoever. Now it is Ayaaz’s son, who definitely has inherited that unrequired ‘ghairatmandi’ from his father & will now make his mother realize that she wasted her life because she didn’t make the anday parathay ka nashta for his father herself & that according to Iqra’s son is a big no no, that is why even he is on a hunt to find a maid/wife who will take care of his & his parent’s anday parahtay ka nashta. Seriously, I think the note at which this episode ended was enough to conclude the the entire drama but not sure what made the writer think that we’re in a mood to see another short-lived villain, who will fall flat on his face like all the previous villains who made an appearance starting from Iqra’s mother, to Shehryaar, to Annie, to Nuzhat, to Ayaaz & now their son? LOL! Anyways, please share your thoughts about this episode of Sehra Main Party-Poopers!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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