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Sehra Main SUFFER – Episode 19!

Ohkay so, I would’ve been so so so happy if this drama had ended today. I am sure those who’ve followed the drama till this episode would definitely agree with me as there’s no point in showing the jethani/devrani rivalry like a typical Star Plus drama. They have shown us enough & it definitely was the right time to wrap this drama up, but they’re past that stage & we know what a disaster it is when that happens!

Iqra has realized her mistakes & she can’t help apologizing to each & every person around her. Her family is supportive, her husband Ayaaz is totally in love with her & voila, her life is complete. I so wish these would’ve been the ending lines that I had written about this drama but nope, they stole that opportunity from me as they decided to throw Nuzhat in my face like a punishment for following this journey till this episode & for deciding to watch it till the end in a hope that this drama will end at a good note…seriously, my bad!!!

Like a very dear reader said it the last week that Nuzhat was introduced as a useless character where she happened to become a reason how Iqra found her earrings on Annie, then Ayaaz getting Annie’s number through Nuzhat, we all agreed that she was fine like a side character till that extent but the coverage not only she but her breakfast, anday, doodh, bread, gosht, sabzi, daal, bijli paani ka bill is getting is annoying to the core. I am not really sure what the writer here is trying to tell? We all are aware of that one member of the family who discusses these things but I believe people watch these dramas as an escape from their daily routines & lives, so not sure if introducing the typical character like Nuzhat as a reminder of what most of the people go through in their daily lives was a right idea of an entertainment because to me she was everything but entertaining!

Ohkay so, Taimur’s idea of love is following your wife’s orders like a servant. He thinks he showcases how much he loves his Negative Nancy Nuzhat by following her orders without questioning her & he thinks throwing his common sense out of the window is how he will make his wife realize just how much he loves her. I really believe Taimur & Nuzhat are a waste of frame, waste of screen & waste of time in this drama. I so expected Taimur to tell Nuzhat off for all the insults she threw at his family members but he was too busy chugging down the doodh & chai that he forgot his husband-ish duties too!

This drama was about Iqra & her Safar through Sehra, so I am not really sure why the writer turned it into a Suffer through Sehra now when she has become a part of another family. I really think that Fauzia, in stead of talking to Ayaaz, should do some serious talking to Nuzhat & tell her to mind her own business. I am not sure what made the writer bring the sidest of all & saddest of all character into the limelight like a true villainess because we all were doing just fine without her presence in the drama & it just doesn’t make sense but yes, what it does tell us is that may be because the show was getting a higher rating, the producers decided not to end the drama up untill the viewers will give up on it & there you go Mr. Producer, the viewers are tired of it & it needs to end ASAP!

I really think they should’ve toned down the curls & colors on Iqra’s face & dress during her wedding sequence because nothing went well with her personality. She is a pretty face but didn’t look good at all during those scenes. However, I must say it was good to see Iqra & Ayaaz sharing some good moments together where Ayaaz tried to cheer her up after she was down due to the gibberish Nuzhat blurted. It is good that Iqra hasn’t stopped relying emotionally on Ayaaz & Ayaaz is making sure Iqra feels loved. Nuzhat took her fixation with doodh, talaq-yafta Iqra & her jealousy to another level. I really think it would be a right thing for Taimur & Nuzhat to move out of this house because that will guarantee the end of this drama & I am definitely rooting for that.

The preview of the next episode was horrific where the talks about gosht, doodh & dabbal roti will be taken to another level & we’ll also get to know that the fridge in Ayaaz’s home can only house 3 andas, hahah hilarious!!! Also, I found it really really petty & funny that Nuzhat avoided giving some milk for Ayaaz’s tea but filled two big fat glasses for herself & her husband just to make him realize that he has worked for this glass & he had a full right to drink this hard-earned milk, like seriously, the creative (?) team behind this drama really needs to grow up. I must say I feel that HUM TV’s quality has deteriorated where the moment they see any drama getting a good rating, is the moment they decide to drag & stretch it to make the most profits out of it. In my honest & humble opinion, these tacts do not suit a channel like HUM TV, that has a huge viewership & massive popularity already!!! Anyways, please share your thoughts about this saga of doodh & andas!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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