So, another week goes by & no conclusions so far. No doubt the story is progressing but we are still kept in the dark about the ending of the drama & because of this nothing can be anticipated as to who will eventually win Ehtashaam over. I loved the performances today by all the actors but Roomi had me completely. What a brilliant little actor he is.
Sehrish; just how she promised is now leaving no stone unturned to part Ehtashaam & Saniya. Be it for a few hours, she thinks she can convert this little time-span into life-long togetherness. In the beginning of the episode, I wasn’t much into what Sehrish was up to because she has started to look like an unwanted person. Even though she has gotten to know about Ehtashaam’s decision clearly, she is still sticking with the hope of staying with him & making her broken marriage work. The whole ghar-mai-koi-ghus-gaya scene was to show how tactfully Sehrish earned some attention from her husband. When Ehtashaam decided to be in her room so that she can sleep peacefully, I thought not again! How long would it take to send an SMS to Saniya about the situation because she had just called him a couple of minutes ago? At that moment I thought Ehtashaam is one of those who thinks those who love him will trust him no matter what. We saw it happening before & even now he thought Saniya would understand why he was with Sehrish.
Saniya didn’t want to know why Ehtashaam chose to stay in Sehrish’s room but still she questioned him to make her point clear. I think this time around it was quite evident that Ehtashaam had made up his mind & decided to bring everyone out of misery by speaking adamantly to Sehrish about the divorce. Sehrish put the blame on him once again & wanted to know why he never stopped her from going, which I think was nothing but irrational of Sehrish to say so. Ehtashaam did the same by saying she initiated the divorce herself & he respected her decision, which again made me think now Ehtashaam was being irrational because if he knew Sehrish wanted a divorce, so why not send her the papers before signing the new ones while she was away?
Just when we thought the story was becoming stagnant, they had a special card to reveal & yes, it was Ehtashaam’s mother. I thought the poor guy was torn between the 2 ladies already so now one more will be doing the honours. It goes without saying that Ehtashaam’s mother loves Sehrish more than anything & she would side with her obviously. But I loved the conversation between Ehtashaam & his mom because he got the right person to share his inner-most feelings with but sadly for him, his mother thought the opposite & still supported Sehrish.
‘Kya izzat aur sharam aurton k liye hi hoti hai, mardon k liye nahi’, I must say before this conversation I wasn’t too sure of Ehtashaam’s moves but this dialogue went to show that he was also shattered because of what Sehrish put him up with. He wanted his mother to understand his perspective & also that everything affected him deeply as well. The second conversation that Ehtashaam had with his mother in the presence of Saniya went to show how much he wanted to ensure Saniya about his decision on this matter. Even though she had nothing to contribute in there but her presence was definitely necessary as Roomi was a part of the talk too.
I thought all the scenes of Roomi made the episode light-hearted again. Sehrish at that time felt like an outsider when she saw Saniya, Roomi, Ehtashaam & Roomi’s Daadi in one frame. I am not sure what’s happening but I feel Sehrish needs to accept the fact that she has lost Ehtashaam for good because her denial won’t benefit her at all.
The episode may not have given much in terms of story but the power-packed acting & brilliant direction was enough to enjoy the drama tonight. Shamim Hilali did a wonderful job & her re-entry as Ehtashaam’s mother (who sides with Sehrish) was definitely important as now it calls for a final decision from Ehtashaam. I am sure what we saw in the preview would be another antic pulled off by Sehrish to delay what Ehtashaam has promised her of, let’s see what happens next. Share your thoughts about tonight’s episode.
Keep supporting,
Zahra Mirza.
ps: I am once again covering for my friend Fatima Awan but please do keep a check in the comments section for her say. :)
Also to my dear readers, especially those who think that I side with Saniya & hence this is holding them back from sharing their opinions, I just want to tell that I have come to a point where I don’t feel anything for anyone. No detest towards Sehrish, no sympathy towards Saniya & also nothing for Ehtashaam, I am just enjoying the drama as it is & going with the flow. So, please you’re free to share whatever you feel like without the fear that the reviewer has an inclination towards a certain character. It’s all done & dusted! ;)Â