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Stereotpyes of Pakistan in Indian entertainment Industry

India has one of the largest and most vibrant entertainment industries in the world. How ever it is notorious for copying western content and also for it’s xenophobic productions depicting it’s neighbor Pakistan as the center of all evil.
Here are some common stereotypes perpetuated by Indian movies and dramas.

1) Pakistan is responsible for all evil in India: Whether it is terrorism, Khalistan movement, drug and weapon smuggling or the underworld ISI is responsible for it. What is amusing is that in these jokes of a movies/dramas ISI agents are openly running around the country( telling every one they work for ISI nonetheless) and no body seems to stop them or at least find out how they got in the country.

2) Kashmiris are terrorists: Kashmiris are carrying out terrorism in India (again with Pakistan’s help!). Or they are simpletons who are being brainwashed by Pakistan. It is up to our Indian hero to either kill or reeducate them.( What ever fits the nonsensical plot)

3) Indian muslims are ISI agents: There is a log list of movies and dramas that depict this. Sarfarosh etc. The list is too long to be mentioned here. These movies depict Indian Muslims as fifth-columnists. ISI agents are seen recruiting/duping them in the name of Islam.


4) Every corrupt politician is A Pakistani agent: ‘Garv’ requires an honorable mention ( sarcasm) in perpetuating this ridiculous conspiracy theory. It seems it’s dialogue were written by Bal Thackeray or an agent of RAW. It was an open contest of who would abuse Pakistan more. So remember the next time a mega-corruption scandal breaks out in India we are responsible for it!

5) Pakistan is responsible for all ills in the world: Whether it is terrorism, smuggling or even Human trafficking Pakistan is at fault. Even in foreign counties Pakistanis are carrying out these evil acts unless of course our brave Indian hero stops them.

6) Pakistanis are one-dimensional villains: Looks like Pakistanis have no other job or hobby in the world then the plots to take over Kashmir, plan terrorism in India etc. We have no other desire to improve our living conditions but to continuously obsess over harming India.

7) The muslim stereotypes: Pakistani women( when shown and that too in ridiculous roles) are always covered in a Burqa ( unless they are female ISI agents Ofcourse!). Pakistanis wear skull caps whether at the barber shop( D-day) or even when seeing a cricket match! ( Dil bolay Harappa___ A movie which was tragically unfunny and mind-numbingly stupid by the way).


8) Pakistani women always fall for the Indian hero: Whether it is ‘Agent Vinod’ ( full of (wrong) stereotypes or ‘Ek tha (buddha) Tiger’ Pakistani women( trained ISI agents by the way) fall for aged Indian heroes. They abandon their country, their families, their duties( To destroy India Ofcourse for their man. Commendable indeed is their sacrifice for love or blind adulation for the 40+ hero. And if the situation reverses( Qurban For ex.) then beware the wrath of Shiv sena!



9) Cultural stereotypes: Pakistan is a diverse country, It has many different cultures and people having vastly different lifestyles. How ever Pakistanis are depicted as backward, poor, generally depressed( no wonder they attempt to escape this dreary life by going on an exciting mission against India. Women are always in hijab or with their dupatta draped firmly around their body. What is objectionable in not what they are wearing but that these women are always shown as repressed illiterate house wives. Even highly-educated working women wear hijab in Pakistan so it is a dumb stereotype nothing more. Also looks like Pakistani men have nothing else to wear then shalwar kameez( Have you finally won JJ? :P). Except for the generals who attend weddings in full-military uniform complete with medals! (Qurban, Ghadar etc.). Pakistanis speak in Urdu only! Looks like Sindhi, Gujarati, Balochi, Pashto, Punjabi, Kashmiri. Gligati, Hindko and Seraiki are spoken on Mars! Also Pakistanis use Aadab. Wear Ghararas( no seriously) and speak highly-persianized Urdu( But with a Hindi Accent hence leading to some really ridiculous and stilted dialogues)

10) Indian muslim leaders are Pakistani stooges: When they are not busy extracting favors ( read blackmail) from their political bosses, creating issues of nothing and starting riots against Hindus( Always started by sword-wielding Muslims in skull caps and beards) they are busy in contacting ISI to carry out their evil plans! (Examples are too numerous and painful to quote here!)

11) Pakistanis are evil by nature: Pakistanis are shown as treacherous, corrupt, misogynistic and generally unfriendly. I won’t be surprised if some day these movies claim that we are not even human but a race of Demons out to harm India!

These stereotypes might seem laughable and ridiculous to such but keep in mind that there are millions of Indians who believe these stereotypes to be true. The amount of hate we see online and generally by Indians is a direct result of it. I wish these Indian researchers should at least do their research before forming a picture of Pakistan. Couldn’t they at least Google ‘Culture of Pakistan’ before presenting such erm ….. Masterpieces!

As always keep supporting and commenting! I do my best not to make any mistakes but if any do occur then please don’t let them ruin your opinion of this article after all I’m pretty sure you are not Indian movie producers!

Talha Rizvi

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.

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