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Tere Mere Beech – Episode 15!

Ohkay so, this episode of Tere Mere Beech was quite tragic & by speaking about tragedy, I am no where referring to Nighat’s death. It was filled with the tragedy that unnecessarily Hareem had to face & sadly no one is willing to understand her point of view at all.

Everyone pretty much found out everything about Fahad, starting from how he never owned anything to the fact that the jewelry he gifted to Hareem on their wedding wasn’t bought with his money too. The conversation between Tariq Zaman & Ali was done nicely. Tariq told Ali that he tried to help Fahad but he has done enough & now won’t budge because the way he has left by taking jewelry with him means that Tariq will have to face a great loss & he has understood that Fahad isn’t that special friend for whom he would pay such a huge amount.

The police got involved in this case, which resulted in Nighat’s departure from the world. Honestly speaking, when the preview last week suggested that Nighat’s role will end, I was kind of relieved but my relief was short-lived because looks like Nighat not only left with a bang, but she is going to keep on making appearances in front of Hareem to haunt & torture her enough because looks like she didn’t have her fair share when she was alive. I was actually happy that now no one will pester Hareem like Nighat used to but oh well, Nighat made sure to leave the world at such a note where everyone considered her to be the victim & Hareem a villain whereas it is a completely opposite scenario.

Before dying, Nighat uttered spiteful words against Hareem saying that she is someone who can only cause harm & pain to you & after she died, all I wondered about was the time when Nighat said something nice about Hareem in front of Nadia & Sadia? Yes, if you recall, that hasn’t happened starting from the very first episode till this one, which I feel also showcases what a bad mother Nighat was to Hareem. If Nighat had tried to explain Hareem’s nature to Nadia & Sadia, may be after her death they wouldn’t have treated Hareem so rudely & they wouldn’t have held her responsible for their mother’s death. Nighat never really tried to bring her daughters closer & always badmouthed about Hareem in front of Nadia & Sadia, so I am not surprised why they didn’t feel anything for Hareem & kept on blaming her for each & everything.

I have said it before too & I will say it again that the writer has tried to turn Nighat into a victim & Hareem into a villain but that doesn’t really sit well with me because Hareem was always wronged & she never got the love she yearned for, from her mother. I so wish before leaving the world Nighat had blamed herself for falling short of her responsibilities as a mother & she had blamed herself for Hareem’s behavior & attitude in general because it was her decision that ruined Hareem’s personality & pretty much her life, but looks like Nighat was too busy in sympathizing with herself that she forgot to tell the truth to Nadia & Sadia.

Just when I thought may be we’ll be getting less of Nadia, she showed up even more with a display of lip augmentation gone wrong. Nadia blamed Hareem for what she was facing now in regards to Fahad because she tried to tell how wise she was by implying that she could see through Fahad’s intentions that he wasn’t sincere to Hareem, so when Hareem didn’t really listen to anyone, she is responsible for how Fahad has deceived her. Honestly speaking, this made me dislike Nadia a lot more than I actually did because if she was sooo wise to know that Fahad wasn’t a nice guy, then why didn’t she act like a savior & force Asad to win Hareem over? If Nadia was so wise, why didn’t she convince Hareem to give Asad a chance too, in order to save her life? Honestly speaking, before blaming Hareem Nadia should blame herself for playing a part in ruining Hareem’s life too because if she wasn’t such an insecure person, she would have wanted what’s best for Hareem & wouldn’t have forced Nighat to get rid of Hareem. Nadia isn’t as clean slated as she thinks she is & what’s with the OTT acting? I am finding it hard to tolerate her.

Well, I was thoroughly disappointed seeing how everyone treated Hareem as an outcast & a culprit. Why don’t Nadia & Sadia ever ask Hareem about what she went through emotionally when their mother gave her away? Why don’t her sisters, in stead of blaming her try to understand her perspective? Nighat never ever encouraged Nadia & Sadia to have good terms with Hareem because she was too busy brainwashing them against her. Anyways, I was happy that we won’t be getting more of Nighat but the preview of the next episode disappointed me. I am amazed at the level of self-pity & self-sympathy Nighat has displayed that even after dying she isn’t resting in peace & will continue to come back & haunt Hareem for the mistakes she never committed.

Overall, this episode was strictly ohkay but Sanam Chaudhry’s acting was top-notch too. Also, looking at the curly long strands of Nadia & perfectly straightened hair of Sadia followed by their proper makeup, it was hard to tell that they just lost their mother whereas looking at the messy bun, faded makeup & somewhat visible dark circles of Hareem, anyone could tell that she lost someone she loved & she was emotionally shattered from within. I really think Sanam Chaudhry’s stylist & she herself has done a commendable job in making her character look real & believable. Also, I feel like mentioning that I am a fan of Saba Faisal’s personality & her acting & I really like watching her on-screen but the character of Nighat doesn’t really hit home for me that is why I am being so hard on the character & by no means at the actor. Anyways, please share your thoughts about this episode of Tere Mere Beech.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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