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Teri Chah Mein Episode 15 Review – A Proposal & A Baby!

So I would be lying if I said I did not find this episode to be a bit more interesting especially as the preview for next week has left me guessing what will happen next which is why I tuned into this show in the first place, since it had a few unpredictable twists and turns in the beginning. While it still largely remains a story of two wives, with Mehwish continuously being painted as the evil one, quite a few developments did take place in this episode.

In the previous episode when Zara shared with Amber the news of her broken engagement with Faisal, quite a few of us shook our heads over how Amber seemed to see only Mehwish as the ‘bad guy’ in the whole scenario. However, Zara’s growing closeness and friendship with Faisal in the light of this new bit of information shows Amber feeling uneasy and she seems to have jumped on the bandwagon too with Mehwish and is wary of Zara. Her sudden interest in pairing Zara with Faizan is questioned later by Mehwish and Faisal but I also wondered if she had similar reasons as Mehwish where she wants Zara out of the house so she may not grow closer to Faisal or whether she genuinely wants the best for Zara.


Faizan’s daughter Fatima loves Zara Aunty to bits and although momentarily thrown off by Mehwish’s attitude, she is in love with Zara Aunty again and can not get enough of her. I get a child, motherless one at that, getting attached to a young woman who showers her with attention and love but I do not understand how easily Faizan and Bhua let Fatima spend ages at Zara’s house and even the first time Faizan met her, he let Fatima stay at Zara’s house and have her feed her! Stranger danger anyone? Oh well, that’s a different topic altogether and would stray from the story but still I find it odd.

Anyway, Amber encourages Faizan to send a proposal for Zara. It was very strange that Amber did not share this thought with Faisal at least. She did not pretend as if she did not know why they were there with the mithhai so then why not give Faisal some heads up at least? Faisal and Mehwish are together on this one and feel Amber is out of line and that Faizan is not an appropriate match for Zara. Zara’s expression shows she did not expect this proposal but we are not sure what she is thinking later. When she announces she is ready to marry Faizan and when Faizan tells her that Faisal and Mehwish’s relationship has no impact on his proposal, Zara’s expressions do not lead me to believe either way whether she genuinely wants to marry Faizan or she is doing all this to spite her mother.

Never have flashbacks been used as aptly in a drama, to my recollection at least, than they were in the scene where Mehwish relives the moments when Faisal professed undying love and passion for her. Faisal has to be truly fickle for where he could remain in love with Taayi while she cared for Taaya and her children surely he could have lasted a while longer in love when she asked him to move out for a while? Dents in their relationship did start appearing when he learns she is unable to conceive and then also when she became more of a screaming, jealous shrew but still. Which brings me to Amber’s pregnancy now. When she swooned, I thought chalo, khushkhabhri, ta da! Seriously, does a woman never know or wonder if she is pregnant until she actually faints?! It is absurd how even my eyebrows raise when a woman faints and doctor kay bulaanay se pehlay I can confidently announce she is pregnant!


So, with Amber pregnant, Zara all set to marry Faizan and nobody caring about or listening to Mehwish, there is quite a bit happening in Faisal’s household. I am glad this episode moved away from the constant attacks by Mehwish on Amber and did not focus on Mehwish and Amber trying to outdo each other for Faisal’s attention either. I have a feeling Zara will marry Faizan eventually but will Mehwish give in or will she fight it all the way? And what (drastic) measures will she take? Good for Faisal that both his wives work for between a jealous, demanding wife who is suddenly expecting transport services to work and back and dinner dates, and a pregnant wife who takes up lunch time, a baby on the way and a stepdaughter whose counseling and wedding seem to be his self imposed responsibility – I do not see this guy spending much time in the office!

Maybe it was me or maybe it was seeing Maria Wasti in a different role, then again probably because her initial personality in the drama and the one that appeared later seemed so different (so many disclaimers, LOL!) but over the past few episodes I have to say she has acted really well. Faryal Mehmood’s acting for some reason always annoys me so even though she is meant to be the sweet, ‘victim of circumstances’ character here – it still does not work for me. Curious to see how the end of this drama plays out although hoping it is not dragged and ends before the 20th episode mark. What did you all think of this episode? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Kunwal Javid 

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