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Teri Raza Episode 11 Review – All Over The Place!

Ohkay so, with this episode of Teri Raza, the story made quite a lot of progress but I am not too convinced with how things rolled. I feel the characters have been written with such clumsiness that you just can not form a definite opinion about them. Apart from Imtiyaz, every other character behaves irrationally especially the main lead Suhana, which makes it impossible for you to like anything about her.

I must say Talat should pat herself on her back after what she has done. Rameez had Suhana out of his sight, out of his mind but just because Talat instigated the entire scenario, Suhana got the chance to tell him that he still means so much to her & after that Rameez was thinking about Suhana too. It is amusing that Talat keeps on saying that she feels tensed ever since Suhana has gotten married because according to her Suhana is doing everything to ruin her marriage but then I guess someone needs to give her a reality check that it is not Suhana but Talat herself who makes sure to do everything which will drift Suhana & Imtiyaz apart. This woman is a piece of work I swear & I just can not stand her as a motherly character because she is an insult to all the mothers out there!

Imtiyaz has done so much for Suhana & her consistency at finding faults in him or his gestures is praiseworthy. I found it amusing that Suhana started off by saying she wants to do a job & then told everyone that she wants to own a business. I was waiting for her to show up her forlorn face & felt relieved when she did because it wouldn’t be Suhana without her typical roni shakal. It is amusing that Suhana could use her husband’s money to finance her business but she didn’t appreciate his effort with which he made it possible for her to get the model to showcase her dress? Suhana is like that spoiled brat who wants everyone to do everything that she wants but for others she would never budge because hey, she’s spoiled & that’s all there’s to her personality!

Let’s talk about the most awkward scenario in the history of Pakistani dramas – yes, I am talking about Paa Mmtyaz’s BUDDAY scene. Seriously, after Suhana was done confessing her feelings to Rameez for like a millionth time, after eavesdropping like a typical aunty, she remembered she had a husband to attend to as well, therefore she arranged a birthday surprise for him to keep everything smooth & running in her life. I mean it is sickening but seeing Suhana taking care of both her marital life & then her long-died affair made me uncomfortable. This girl needs to learn about a thing called transperancy but oh well, like everyone said, she lives in her own bubble!

I know I am not a fan of Jeena’s character but she for once made sense & did the right thing by knocking some sense into Suhana as well. It is amusing that Suhana claimed Imtiyaz loves her therefore he would never cheat on her, while completely forgetting how she takes him for granted & how she is still cheating on him by having Rameez in her heart. Like Suhana grew uncomfortable the moment Jeena tried to tell her that Seema seems far too comfortable with Imtiyaz but she never for once thought about how she was treating her husband. Suhana is like that immature child who doesn’t know how to own her mistakes & she thinks everything is just perfect because she turns a blind eye to her wrongdoings!

I must say, Seema needs to find a hobby for herself because her availability for Imtiyaz even at the late hours is a joke. Seema seems far more concerned for Imtiyaz as if in stead of Suhana, she is married to Imtiyaz. Seema is another insane character in this insane lot because even she is still stuck on the fact that Suhana tried to get her & Imtiyaz hitched but now when it hasn’t happened, she still feels she has some kind of authority over Imtiyaz. The showdown between the two ladies over Imtiyaz was quite funny. I wonder why every-time Seema’s car breaks down or every-time she has an emergency, she chooses Imtiyaz to play the role of her chauffeur. Anyways, looks like both Imtiyaz & Suhana are expecting a child & Daadi is still going to survive to see her great grandchild’s Rukhsati too, since this is how her heart works!

I know Sanam Baloch gives her 100% to her characters & it is good to see her dedication but literally not keeping a track of sweaty upper-lip or sliva in her mouth is a bit too much. Talat’s character & Shaheen Khan’s acting, both are out of order. I found it amusing how Talat was trying to ignore what Seema was trying to say about Suhana & her weird approach towards her marriage, not that it is Seema’s business but still she had a point. I think in stead of blaming Suhana for her immaturity, Talat should blame herself for a faulty upbringing but I love how every single character in this drama doesn’t believe in owning their mistakes & that is the reason why Talat is so aloof to how she has raised a little monster called Suhana! Anyways, please share your thoughts about this all-over-the-place episode of Teri Raza & oh can I take a moment to talk about the precap of next episode? Suhana crying buckets over Jeena & Rameez’s engagement & trying to prove something by saying that Jeena didn’t care for Rameez as much as she did when he went missing, like seriously? A pregnant married woman crying over her ex-boyfriend’s engagement with her class-fellow is beyond ridiculous!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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