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Teri Raza Episode 19 Review – Ridiculous!

Ohkay so, this episode was all about picking up the pieces & coming to terms with what happened. It was more about Imtiyaz because he was the one emotionally invested in this relationship & not Suhana.

So, Talat thought by using child as a bait, she will be able to convince Imtiyaz to take Suhana back. It is so obvious that more than wanting to save this marriage, Talat is concerned about face saving that is why she was giving one bizarre logic after another to force Imtiyaz to patch things up! I really had a hard time understanding that how can a woman of Talat’s age be so stupid to not see that she didn’t have to convince Imtiyaz because he never wanted to part ways with Suhana in the first place. It was her daughter Suhana who needed all that pep talk but oh well, Suhana’s parents know that they have raised a monster so they are beating around the bush in order to feel that they have done enough, whereas they haven’t apart from damaging the relationship more!

This episode had so much of fillers & nothing substantial (not that there is any substance in the story in the first place). Well, the coverage Manzura gets is so annoying, like her character is just hard to tolerate, she has that persona & I can’t beleive that after all these years, Daadi still feels the need to tell her how dusting is supposed to be done!

Anyways, I just & I still can not believe Suhana’s character. The way writer has shown sympathy towards her is quite irrational. I just couldn’t believe that after divorce, Suhana was wondering what went wrong & she had no idea WHY she got divorced in the first place? Writer herself knows that she can not justify Suhana’s behavior still she has added in these dialogues to make her look like a victim. Suhana had the audacity to say that she did everything her family taught her to make this marriage work while completely ignoring that despite being told not to, she continued having an affair with Rameez. Suhana was being shown as if her heart was aching but it wasn’t coming through because we all know she wanted to get out of this marriage right from the beginning. Oh well, Suhana made another statement where she said that she listened to others but now she is going to listen to herself, another biggest flaw of this drama because right from the beginning, Suhana did everything she wanted to do. She might blame her parents as much as she wants but nothing that she will say or do will conceal the fact that she herself chose to get married to Imtiyaz. Oh well, by adding all that Istikhara & Badshaguni concept, writer again tried to show that Suhana was such a bechari that she was sacrificing her love & choosing her family’s well being over her boyfriend, duh!

Well, I just couldn’t believe Daadi’s speech that she gave to Suhana after her divorce. Daadi’s heart was beating because Suhana got married so technically, shouldn’t it stop, now that she is divorced? Also, just the news of Imtiyaz’s intention of getting separated from Suhana was enough for Daadi to collapse, so not sure why nothing happened to her after the divorce? & oh, Rameez, all he does is smoke cigarettes & roam around without a worry in the world & yes he stalks Suhana on Facebook, this is what he does & still he is going to get the heroine in the end? Hahah! What a joke! Anyways, please share your thoughts about this episode of Teri Raza.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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