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Woh Mera Dil Tha Episode 19 & 20 Review Story – Amazing!

These two episodes of Woh Mera Dil Tha had many important developments to their credit. They were thoroughly entertaining and also had a few unexpected twists. There are very few dramas which are so convincing that after watching them you don’t have to wonder what why and if and this is turning out to be one such dramas. The characters are intriguing and likeable at the same time. Even when Zaid’s character annoys you with his selfishness, you fully understand why he is like this and Sami Khan makes it so easy for the viewers to not hate this character altogether! Sami Khan and Madiha Imam also share good on-screen chemistry because of which their scenes are always a pleasure to watch. Faiza Iftikhar’s dramas always have a surprise in store and her characters are easy to connect to. Also, her heroines are most often different from the two extremes we see in our dramas all the time. Naina’s character could easily have come across as one of those gullible leading ladies had she not questioned the way she was feeling every now and then. Also, Zaid, the master manipulator, left no stone unturned to make sure that Naina believed her.

These two episodes were so exciting and happening that I am not sure where to start from! It seems like Zaid has fallen for Naina while trying to make her fall in love with him. Naina too is truly obliged and attracted towards Zaid if not completely in love with him. There was a time when Zaid was not even interested in getting to know Naina because he was so sure that he already knew her so well. In these few episodes, he made a conscious attempt to spend time with Naina not because he liked her but because he was scared that Naina might go back to Arham. When Zaid started convincing Naina that he was in love with her he only did so because he could not imagine living without all the luxuries but in the latest episode for the first time it seemed like he had actually started appreciating the likeable aspects of Naina’s personality. Zaid just found out that Naina was a different person now and he also for the first time questioned himself for using someone! This was an important and unexpected change in his character.

Woh Mera Dil Tha Episode 19 & 20 Review Story - Amazing!

Until last week, he was so busy covering up for himself and executing his plan that he did not have the time to think about how wrong his approach was. It was good to see this change in his personality but it will not be easy for him regain Naina’s trust once she finds out what he has been up to.

Naina has started seeing Zaid as a more responsible individual than she thought he was. She is also convinced that Zaid is actually capable of loving someone. Sami Khan’s brilliant performance is one of the main reasons why this latest development has been so easy to connect to. Naina’s character is extremely likeable and equally convincing. The writer has made sure that the viewers understand well why Naina has changed so much. She always had material possessions but she never had someone who trusted her completely. She thinks she finally has the kind of family she always wished she had therefore the worldly possessions don’t mean anything to her.

Zaid has changed but at the same time he is still playing games with Naina and also tried to convince himself that he did not need to be so honest! These conversations which the characters have with themselves reveal a great deal about what is going on in their mind and help the viewers understand them better. I really appreciate the fact that the writer did not leave much to the viewers imagination because in such situations especially, it isn’t fun wondering what the character’s actual motives are. We know that Zaid is changing and we also know that he is noticing these changes but trying to fight them at the same time. These conflicts and struggles makes these characters more relatable.

Woh Mera Dil Tha Episode 19 & 20 Review Story - Amazing!

Arham and Zaid finally met, Zaid told him the truth with some modifications here and there. Arham and Naina’s meeting would be next and right now it is easy to predict how that will go but there are many reasons to look forward to it nonetheless. The viewers will know how Naina truly feels about her relationship with Zaid when she meets Arham. Naina does not lie or play games therefore whatever she says to Arham will be the truth. Also, it remains to be seen if Arham will try and remind Naina that Zaid is not reliable.

Naina’s relationship with her in laws was the most endearing part of these two episodes. Zaid’s never-ending mind games, kept these two episodes interesting and happening. The performances, the script and the direction could not have been better!

Woh Mera Dil Tha Episode 19 & 20 Review Story - Amazing!

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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