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Zara Yaad Kar – Episode 05!

Ohkay so, where to begin with! With the previous episode being so good, I was expecting this one to be better but unfortunately, I didn’t find it appealing enough. The story is hardly making any progress & even if it does, the predictability of it doesn’t make it look like the story moved forward as everything that happens seems like it is meant to be & that somehow nullifies the factor of watching something different or new.

Haadi popped the question & Mahnoor’s reaction clearly suggested that she is not comfortable with the idea of getting married so soon. It is so obvious that Mahnoor is trying to buy some time in order to explore the other option that she has. Mahnoor’s mind & heart is totally inclined towards Waqar, that is why she wants to see if she stands a chance in his life by delaying her own marriage, wah, what a logic I must say. On the other hand, Uzma finally broke the spell, she not only ate the mithai brought by Haadi, she wished him promotion ki mubarik too & honestly speaking, that scene made me roll my eyes so bad that now my eyes are hurting. Also, the conversation between Mahnoor & her colleagues forced me to think that why is every single girl in this drama so desperate, starting from Mahnoor to Uzma to Mahnoor’s colleagues!?!?! They all need to know that there’s something more to life than having a man in it!

Oh well, Waqar for now did prove that he knew his limits & he wasn’t ready to cross them for the sake of a married girl. Also, another thing that made my eyes roll so bad was Mahnoor’s question to Waqar about his narazgi, like seriously girl, you should be worried about your husband’s narazgi more than a shareef-uz-zamana parosi ki narazgi. Mahnoor very subtly instilled the idea in her mother’s mind that Haadi’s more like a stamp on her & she is bound to go to him underlining the fact that how badly she didn’t want that to happen & sadly, Mahnoor’s mother could comprehend what her daughter was saying but had no courage to probe into what was going through her mind as she is too scared to hear the answer which she already has an idea of.

Haadi is clearly disappointed & not only that, he is angry too but again, no matter how much he believes in saying that he loves his wife in order to make Uzma understand, it certainly doesn’t become ohkay for him to be spending time with Uzma alone especially when he knows that her father is not at home. Haadi could’ve waited for a couple of hours may be for Ikhtiyaar Sahab to return to spare himself & Uzma the awkwardness but he didn’t see anything odd in it, but I certainly did because Haadi isn’t unaware of the feelings Uzma has for him, so even if he makes a stern face & gives her some robotic responses, he still is feeding the love she has for him by giving her the pleasure of his company.

Uzma’s dialogue delivery did put me on a snooze but somehow when her whole conversation tied down together, I liked it, but found it contradicting to her own desires too. I liked how in difficult yet simple words, she told her father that all she wants in her husband is a sense of a life-long commitment & she most certainly won’t settle for a guy who left his wife so easily, so may be that’s why, seeing how committed Haadi is to Mahnoor, she got attracted to this quality of his but again, will Uzma have no issues when Mahnoor & Haadi will part ways? Obviously, the scene in the preview suggested that Uzma will now start seeing Haadi as a victim, so she will have grounds to still be in love with him as she will know that he wasn’t the one who walked out of this relationship, but still, I find it contradicting that at one side Uzma longs for an eternal commitment from her partner but wouldn’t mind seeing Haadi coming out of one commitment to form another with her? Even though Uzma’s love for Haadi is one-sided but loving someone definitely means desiring to be with the one you love too & it would’ve been ohkay if her love was unspoken about but she let that secret out already, so in other words she does somehow desire Haadi to be with her in stead of being with Mahnoor!

Well, Mehtab & his daughter Gaitiara got a lot of coverage in this episode but they didn’t give me much to talk about. Like I said, it was too predictable that Waqar will be appointed as Gaitiara’s Urdu teacher & the way Mehtab described, he will be spending a lot more time with her too, so it is imperative that they both will fall for each other, especially with Waqar finding the truth about Mahnoor, he will feel free to fall for someone else once again. Gaitiara has come to contest in the elections but she strives to become an honest politician but I am sure soon enough she’ll find out that honesty & politics don’t really gel well together!

Anyways, overall this episode was average but the preview suggested that things will get a bit complicated & may be the story will move forward. I was kind of surprised (read shocked) to see Haadi sharing his marital problems with Uzma; the girl who loves him, haha, oh dear, it’s a big no no to be sharing your problems with the one who already wants to be with you. Yes, Uzma hasn’t bluntly said that she wants to spend her life with Haadi but it still doesn’t really put a lid on the fact that he has confessed her feelings to him. Looks like Mahnoor will do everything to get Waqar’s attention but her mother will try to stop her. I think the truth is out there that Zara Yaad Kar’s journey won’t be an exciting one because where we will get 1 good episode, we’ll have to accept the next ‘filler’ episode that will come our way too. I am sure they picked the most interesting bits to make the preview look enticing but overall, this journey is going to be quite slow, predictable & to some extent boring as well. The only strong point of this otherwise mediocre script are the dialogues but sadly, none of the dialogues in this episode struck a chord & seeing the half-opened eyes of both love-stricken Uzma & Mahnoor made me yawn so bad. I think I should get used to yawning & eye-rolling because they’ll be my go-to expressions while watching most of the episodes of Zara Yaad Kar. Well please share your thoughts about this episode of Zara Yaad Kar!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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