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Mohabbat Tumse Nafrat Hai Episode 16 Review – Interesting!!

This episode could have been so much more impactful if it was directed well. Maheen’s phone call to Waqar was the best part of this episode. Ayeza Khan and Imran Abbas’ sizzling on screen chemistry and the fact that Imran Abbas is a pro at giving the perfect expressions in such situations, made this scene picture perfect. Some of the dialogues and scenarios in tonight’s episode were beautifully penned down but there were many times when the director completely failed to do justice to them. The ever-present background music which wasn’t even needed, the way Maheen lectured ami begum (given the background), Gulrez showed how upset he was with the way things turned out ( a little too dramatic) and even the manner in which ami begum reacted could have been a treat to watch if these scenes weren’t directed with more passion than was necessary! Even Jia’s scene had tons of potential but there were way too many expressions and not enough substance in the performance overall. This episode in particular needed completely different treatment because it was powerful enough as it was, the actors and the director did not need to go overboard to make people understand the emotional upheaval all these characters were going through.

Having said that, the fact is that there was a major loophole in the script as well in the first few episodes. The viewers were never told in the beginning that this was a bachpan ki mangni therefore it wasn’t easy for me to connect to the whole scenario. For the longest time Ami begum talked about Maheen’s state of mind after the proposal because she was in “shock” and felt like she was not in control of things since Gulrez and rest of the family made this decision for her. Also, the entire family had been waiting for Maheen’s answer to this proposal and this engagement was only finalized when she said yes. There was no pressure on her and she only went ahead with this engagement to hurt Waqar therefore although this was supposed to be a bachpan ki mangni but Maheen made the final decision. Maheen’s “speech” therefore was slightly out of context and impossible to relate to. I understand that she realized her feelings for Waqar right at the last minute but if the bachpan ki mangni scenario wasn’t part of the speech, it would have been very apt since Ami begum did try her best to make sure that Waqar and Maheen don’t fall in love with each other.

Mohabbat Tumse Nafrat Hai Episode 16 Review - Interesting!!

Jia’s track has taken a turn which is completely in line with her character but it would have been so much better if this character was underplayed by Faryal Mahmood. I do however feel that the director asked these actors to be loud and over-dramatic therefore I feel the director is at fault here. It was really good to see Gulrez opening up for a change and expressing how he truly felt but the background score in this scene as well, was loud to an annoying degree. Ami Begum blamed Waqar yet again for something which wasn’t exactly his fault. Although right now it seems like Waqar has decided to stay but the first few episodes suggested that eventually he left for England and never returned.

When Fajr and Maheen talked about everything which happened at the night of the engagement, Ayeza Khan’s styling and make-up made it difficult to believe that this was early morning. It looked more like a few hours after the engagement but their conversation clearly suggested it was the next morning. Ayeza Khan is one of those actresses who are very comfortable in their own skin therefore I am guessing that making Maheen look so trim and proper under all circumstances was the director’s decision as well.

Overall, although most of tonight’s episode was poorly directed but the story has definitely taken a very interesting turn. The story is at a stage where you find yourself wondering what is going to happen next. I can’t help but root for Maheen and Waqar even though I know they are not meant to be together and that it will break Gulrez’s heart into a million pieces!

How many of you watched this episode? Do share your thoughts about it.

Mohabbat Tumse Nafrat Hai Episode 16 Review - Interesting!!

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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