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Bari Appa Episode 21 – Completely Intensifying.

Well well well. This episode was electrifying, intense & what not. I am sure words wouldn’t be able to describe this whole episode. But firstly I must wave a salute to the director for such a flawless direction & taking the best out of all the actors & accumulating it on screen for us all. Of all the episodes, this one is going to be definitely my favourite one because I am sure it has left the same impact on all it’s viewers pretty much the same way.

The episode started off after Firdous caught Ghazanfar & Zubaida in action. No doubt, they were just having the dinner but the ambiance was pretty evident to show the lingering feelings the two souls have had & were sharing for one another. While they were reminiscing about their past Firdous furiously told Farmaan about everything & I loved how the scenes unfolded. Firstly, they dropped Firdous at her mother’s place, decided to take the kid with them & go to Ghazanfar’s house to pick Zubaida but she had already hurried back to her place just because it was Ghazanfar who felt awkward having Zubaida all by himself, that too when he was all alone at his place. The first half of the whole episode was done perfectly with no flaws & was absolutely marvellous.

The scenes of Ghazanfar & Zubaida were done beautifully. No doubt, at some points Ghazanfar was being flirtatious with Zubaida but it was done in such a decent way. One could actually feel that you can even not cross the lines of indecency yet can confess what you actually feel. This I give all the credit to the director for portraying their feelings beautifully without any vulgarity which is normally prevailant in the dramas these days. Ghazanfar stated ‘mera dil chahay to mai appko kabhi janay hi na doon’ & Zubaida’s satisfying smirk in response said it all. What I disliked the most was Zubaida’s constant belittling regarding Firdous. She once again said that ‘bhalay hi Firdous kaisi bhi kyun na ho app kabhi kisi dusre ki taraf nahi dekhenge’. Ohkay, we understand that she likes Ghazanfar & fails to see any such weaknesses he might have but Ghazanfar in response should have at least tried to defend Firdous because after all she is his wife. I have had this problem ever since the beginning because we never saw Ghazanfar taking stand for Firdous or defending her in front of Zubaida because he just can not muster up that much of a courage.

I must say today, all the complaints that I had against Farmaan vanished easily. They showed more depth in his character. Just a few dialogues of Farmaan said so much about his soft, biased & patient attitude which he had towards his first wife. All this while they showed that Farmaan was oblivious of Zubaida’s feelings for Ghazanfar & how she meets him behind Farmaan’s back but he easily confessed in front of Neelam about how he knew what was going on considering the time span of 25 years which he has spent with Zubaida. All this while Zubaida thought she had succeeded in deceiving Farmaan & she took his ignorance for granted but now she looks like a child who was living in a fool’s paradise. All this while Zubaida thought she could control everything because of her dominance but didn’t know she was trying to hold the intangible.

Now coming to the main scene of the whole episode. The final confrontation. The timing, the direction, the dialogues, the acting, everything was just perfect to the core. For the first time I couldn’t take my eyes off Farmaan because of his acting. I loved how the director created so much of a drama in such a less dramatic manner. Without going overboard Farmaan said everything which had to be said. He confessed how he took care of Zubaida all this while & knew that she had loved Ghazanfar but still he gave her space thinking she will feel better after sharing her worries with her ex-fiancé, whom she endears the most. Zubaida, once again proved that nothing matters to her except her ego. In such a delicate moment she took the wrong decision because whatever Farmaan said hurt her ego & she decided to part ways with him. She is so blinded by her one-sided love that she is ready to lose 25 years of marriage just so that she can tie the knot with her first love.

Firdous lost hope completely & is ready to tell everything to Adeel & Sharmeen. Shakeel’s advice to her was absolutely spot on when he tried to show Firdous the bigger picture in regards to the consequences she might face in the future. Farmaan had opened his heart in front of Neelam & admitted that he can clearly see how Zubaida has been treating Neelam & Farjad till now but he was being lenient. Farmaan took extra care of Zubaida & enforced her on Neelam because he, within himself, was being guilty for putting Zubaida in hell just because of his second marriage but he actually had no idea that all such sacrifices & extra attention did not mean anything to Zubaida, because she had her mind somewhere else all this while. Plus Zubaida got more courage to be open about her feelings after Farmaan & Neelam’s wedding got disclosed. At this point I feel Zubaida is going to be left all alone, on her own just because of her ego & the dignity which she wants to maintain by hook or by crook.

Bari Appa is a depiction of such a personality who single-handedly can be responsible for ruining the lives of everyone around her. Be it her brother, her sister in law, her own sister, sister’s husband, daughter & her husband to the most. If she wasn’t so dominating & minded her own business, she wouldn’t be facing all such issues. Right now I actually have no sympathies with Zubaida & I am glad that Farmaan took a long long time but in the end he manned up completely.

The preview of the next episode seemed equally interesting but I am once again unhappy to see Farmaan’s inappropriate ways of patching things up with Zubaida, why did he have to mention leaving Neelam for such a cold-hearted Zubaida? Zubaida’s irony will start once she will see Ghazanfar all settled & happy with Firdous. I so can not wait to see the next episode. But once again a huge round of applause for the writer & then the director & then the whole team for making this drama an unforgettable one.

Please share your reviews about such an excellent episode of Bari Appa.
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Zahra Mirza.

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.


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