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Silvatein Episode 11 – Impossible.

One word that kept on popping in my mind the whole time I was watching the episode was ‘IMPOSSIBLE’. There are so many points in which all the characters have diligently justified this word. I am glad that the drama is turning out to be more meaningful & is now showing clearly the paths of Natasha & Zeb. There are some disappointments, not in regards to the drama but at how the characters are unwinding their lives for themselves.

Natasha is one lucky girl who has found everything that a girl needs to stay happy BUT she is trying so hard to ruin it. I was kind of shocked to see how cleanly she mentions to Rayaan that she is not feeling at home because Bilal has no say in the business. Even though she’s the youngest but she is not at all innocent for her age. She has her ways of making things work only for herself & that justifies her as nothing but ‘mean’. It was rather unpleasant to see her degrading her husband just because he works under his brother, & for this reason, Natasha should lower her silliness a couple of notches down.

Natasha’s in laws & her husband are perfect people, except Munize & Mahjabeen, but none of the other family members have ever given her a chance to complain about anything. She does what she likes, she can do whatever she wants & still she was treating her husband like some doormat. I don’t quite get what she actually wants? She wanted to go to USA, she got it. She wanted a good husband, she has found a guy much much better than her but still she has some serious issues going on & all this while she was just acting like someone who’s so hard to be with. She indeed turned out to be impossible.

Of all the silly things she has done, her funniest were the Skype session & the price tag on the shirt. She looked really DUMB that all this while she was actually posing in front of her mother that she is in a bliss but when she actually is blessed, she is not understanding it’s importance & is being unthankful. No doubt Meera Sethi has done a wonderful job as Natasha but this character is unbearable now.

What Zeb did was wrong too. She has gotten herself so much involved in Dilawar’s family & their problems that she didn’t even want to think about the problems that could arise due to her lack of interest & trust in her relationship & in her fiancé  Mikaal & Zeb were both right in their own ways but what Mikaal expected of Zeb wasn’t something impossible or major. He just wanted her to trust him & stick to what she has promised. He was actually right that just at the beginning of their relation if she starts hiding things, they will have a huge trust issue when they will move forward. They were really good friends & Zeb took him that way more seriously that she did when he became her fiancé  which was Zeb’s fault. I guess she got over with the engagement thing too quickly & felt herself trapped because may be all this while she has lived independently & has made her own decisions, that’s why she was finding it hard to do what Mikaal expected of her. I so wanted to shake Zeb to wake up for what she was doing when she was letting Mikaal go. How could she lose such a gem of a person so easily? It was sad to see that happen.

Their engagement ended a bit too suddenly & without any major issue that could actually end a long-term friendship & the engagement. Plus Zeb has always been running away from Natasha because she knows she’s intolerable, so how easily could she agree to visit her sister, knowing on what terms they both have parted? Munize was being impossible too. She on her own is right that why just because of some nasty sister-in-law, she shouldn’t visit her brother’s place but Munize should understand that her brothers are married & do not need a finger to hold onto just so that someone could lead a way. She is younger to Rayaan so she should act that way.

Overall, I loved the episode & especially the conversations Zeb had twice with her mother & once with her father. They were so simply written but carried such huge meanings. Plus now we know how Zeb & Rayaan will end up together as she is visiting Natasha. I find it a bit amusing that Munize is so over the two sisters that she doesn’t want to face them, I can’t wait to see what explosion would happen in her mind when she will find out that Rayaan is interested in Zeb now too. I love the pace of the drama & how the story throws something new every-time we watch it. Share your views.

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Zahra Mirza.


Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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