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Bari Appa Episode 18 – Best one so far

So far so good. This has to be my favourite episode from the whole series till now. The direction was flawless & the acting was beyond perfection. I absolutely enjoyed the whole episode, each & every scene & the dialogues as well. I have liked the drama so far but this is now turning out to be my favourite.

The best thing today was lesser taunting of Zubaida & more scenes of the rest of the family members. It is finally good to see Farmaan coming out of his shell & doing what Neelam deserves. I absolutely enjoyed watching them together after Fajr namaz. I thought Ayesha Khan looked flawlessly beautiful in the whole Islamic attire, she looked perfect & so was her acting. It’s a sigh of fresh air that finally Essa’s intervention has taken it’s toll on Farmaan & he has started acted accordingly. Sharmeen has broken the ice & has actually started to like Neelam. From all the past episodes, I liked Sharmeen & her politeness for the first time today may be just because she wasn’t being irrational & showed that she is a mature person too with some abilities to differentiate between right & wrong. She has understood it completely that what her mother talks about Neelam is mostly wrong because Neelam is everything but that.

Farmaan, after so many days has started to show his soft side while realizing completely that what he has been doing was totally wrong & unfair to his second wife. Zubaida had to put a black mark on the sweet time they both had after so many days but it was good that Farmaan did not pay so much of a heed to it. He was worried a bit because that’s his nature but Neelam tackled it brilliantly saying she is ready to take the blame for Farmaan because she can’t see him suffering. After seeing Neelam’s respect, love & concern for her husband, I thought to myself what good Farmaan must’ve done that he was rewarded with a wife like her. May be his tolerance in dealing with Zubaida paid off in terms of Neelam.

Sharmeen tried to reconcile her differences with Essa & took a first step in meeting him but Essa was rigid. He couldn’t understand Sharmeen’s gesture & blamed her once again. I thought he would react differently with much more wisdom but his reaction was clouded by his anger & he let Sharmeen down. I don’t really understand that after being in a relationship for around 6 years why do they have to play the riddles with one another? Why can’t they be up front & be more precise in dealing with one another, especially when they know about the rocky track their relationship is at? I guess they need to open up a lot more so that they can understand eachother well. They both expect a lot from eachother but do not understand, they expect that the other might listen to the silence but they fail. I hope they wind this relation quickly without any further delay or dragging.

& at last Firdous had to face what she dreaded & Adeel confessed of marrying Sharmeen. Like I said before that Adeel has no sanity of his own & acts according to Sharmeen’s suggestion. Same was the case today where he came & talked to his parents just a moment after Sharmeen told him. She should be sane enough to understand that she is kind of furious at Essa & that’s why she is using Adeel as a scapegoat. Ghazanfar, being a gentleman dealt with Firdous with patience & assured her that he will not let Sharmeen agree to marry Adeel but he was deceptive because he spoke to Sharmeen with much softness & a bit too in a convincing manner.

He can not, every time let someone else take a front seat & keep Firdous as his last priority. This is much evident now that he still has some feelings for Zubaida & a bit more soft corner for her than he has for Firdous. No doubt he has given her all the rights of being his wife but he gets carried away whenever Zubaida is in a situation. Firdous’s rant was justified because she is not happy with Sharmeen & is not ready to accept her as a daughter in law from day one that too because of Zubaida, their history, Zubaida’s behaviour & dominance. She has always been honest about how she feels about Sharmeen, so there is no point in convincing her of something which she doesn’t approve of.

Firdous did go overboard in whatever she said to Ghazanfar. The preview of next episode suggests something horrible when it comes to Firdous. I so do not want to see anything happen to her because she doesn’t deserve it as she has whole-heartedly accepted Ghazanfar as her husband & loves him a lot. I so do not want to see her dream come true where the main cause of disruption is Zubaida. I’m keeping my fingers crossed as I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next.

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Zahra Mirza.

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.


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