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Silvatein Episode 17 – Review!

I must say I am completely sick of this character Natasha & her scheming but on the other hand the dignity & grace of other characters is keeping me going on this drama.

When the episode began, I got overwhelmed during the conversation between mother & a son but sadly one thing was very disturbing that a mother on her death bed had to actually lie to her son that she was perfectly fine & the son bought that just because he’s such a chicken who can not utter a single word in front of his wife. Another disgusting thing was that Mr. Chicken came to Pakistan just because his wife allowed him. At that point, to be honest, I did not feel that Natasha would change a bit & I was expecting something bigger & worst to happen especially when the will was about to be disclosed & all thanks to her, she proved me right. All this while, we have seen every thing about this character that to expect anything good from her seems like a dream.

Rayyan has done every thing for Zeb & is getting equally in return too but his worry about Zeb’s behavior shows how considerate he actually is. He has seen Zeb when she was emotionally free & laid back but ever since she has started to take burden of others, she has become too serious. I have always loved seeing their bit & today’s was an amazing one too. Their conversation after their function & their discussion was absolutely amazing.

During the course of this drama, I kind of never understood Bilal’s silence & his patience on Natasha’s attitude but today something was revealed very clearly. Bilal is actually in an awe of getting a girl like Natasha as his wife & her continuous bickering & underestimation has left him baffled. He has lost a sense of dignity & has completely forgotten that he is the man in their relation. I totally hate it when after every conversation he is left speechless & then rubs his face in anguish.

Natasha is someone who just loves to make people around her awkward. To actually involve Mikaal in her flick was absurd. Mikaal, for sure has feelings for Zeb, that’s the reason he trusted what Natasha had said. Zeb took that surprise gracefully & actually had no idea what Natasha had planned for her. At that point, I was like notttt againnn because the thought crossed my mind that she might be recording their conversation in her mobile phone to use it as a trap for Zeb when she deems fit. But fortunately nothing of that sort happened but she made Zeb awkward in front of her parents too. Natasha thinks that it’s only Zeb who’d get affected while completely forgetting that her parents would get worried & ashamed too. I think Zeb is taking the sweet elder sis role a bit over-board because at this stunt of Natasha’s, Zeb should’ve done something at least in stead of taking all the blame on herself. I know she is trying hard to make things work but they’re rather getting out of hands.
The last scene of the episode was intense where everything was blurted out completely& honestly. I loved when Munize furiously asked Bilal that why was he still silent. Natasha has always been materialistic & is too cunning at such matters, considering her age. For now, I really hope that Bilal swoops in & takes things into his own hand or else I wouldn’t mind to see Rayyan or Zeb slapping Natasha hard on her face for her negativity & stupidity in all that she has done because honestly she deserves this.

Hope to hear from you all.

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.


Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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