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Coke Kahani Episode 10 – Happy Moments!

The highlight of the episode was Mutmain Sahab. I must say, Muhammad Ahmed sir has done a great job. He has not only written a very good story but acted brilliantly as well. Nusrat is extremely happy to join university but Mutmain Sahab is feeling left ignored and left out. His jealousy when he saw Nusrat’s new classmate, Junaid was a treat to watch. The most hilarious scene was when his imagination ran wild and he imagined both of them together in a garden. He kept an eye on Nusrat and Junaid while they were studying and did the most annoying things to interrupt them. Poor Junaid finally got fed up and went away. It was without any doubt, the best scene of the episode!
Can Saad be dumber? He went to clear things to Murtaza and ended up telling all his feelings about Ruqaiya to Murtaza. Murtaza was smart enough to understand that he clearly likes Ruqaiya and told him to tell about his feelings to Ruqaiya. Saad was shocked when Rayaan told him that he is a dolt not to realize that he loves Ruqaiya. The problem with Saad is that he is scared of being rejected by Ruqaiya. Will he finally confess his feelings now that he has realized them?
Jugnoo has agreed to teach Beydil and help him become a chef but he has kept certain conditions. It was like watching two enemies on the same field when Jugnoo started teaching Beydil. I hope Beydil is smart enough to learn from him carefully and make his future brighter. Maria convinced Jugnoo to teach him as she wants to marry Beydil when he is financially stable. But the problem is will the pea brained Beydil ever realize how much Maria likes him? Currently, his brain is only filled with shayari and his flirting techniques.
I am really surprised that Maya agreed to stay for another 2 months in Pakistan. I think there is a hidden motive behind it. Maya and Asfand are finally developing a bond and Maya has seen a ray of hope of being together with Asfand again as he is a changed man now. I hope Zoya’s dream is fulfilled and this family gets back together soon.
The father son bonding was an adorable scene. Mutmain Sahab was angry and hurt that Rayaan did not remember his birthday and gave him an emotional speech but Rayaan surprised him by getting a gift for him. He told his father to join the gym and become as physically fit as Junaid so that he would no longer be jealous of him. Mutmain Sahab was embarrassed to know that his son knows about his endeavors to annoy Nusrat’s classmate. These three are the perfect family!
I was surprised and happy to see Mahira Khan as a guest appearance in this episode. She played the girl who rejected Saad and ended up giving him a slap when he asked her out. It was an extremely funny scene; Poor Saad was rejected by a lot of girls. The preview for the next epsiode seems interesting. Saad is finally developing the guts to propose Ruqaiya before she goes back abroad for her masters. Asfand has more problems coming up his way as his restaurant would be sealed any day because he is unable to pay back his loan. Will they be able to save the restaurant? Tune into Coke Kahani next week to find out.

Mariam Shafiq

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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