Top 5 This Week

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Dil-e-Muztar Episode 5 Review – New Beginnings!

This episode was one of the best episodes so far! I absolutely love the chemistry between the leads and it was all the more appealing to watch now that Adeel’s attitude has improved towards Silah. It took time but he finally realized what Silah means in his life. He realized how much she had given up to be in his life when they met Zamaan’s lawyer who informed them that Silah’s father had shifted to Canada and disowned her from his properties. He felt bad for Silah when he saw her crying in the most heart wrenching way and realized how much she had sacrificed for her love for him and she has no one left in the world except him now.

Adeel finally admitted his feelings for Silah when she had a nervous breakdown. In the process of hating her, he failed to see how much hurt she already was and she reached her limit when she got to know that her father had left without even informing her of his departure. She already carried the guilt inside her for breaking her father’s heart and on top of that he did not even treat her well and paid no heed to her feelings for him. Adeel’s guilt worsened when the doctor told him that she had been going through an inner turmoil since a very long time. He was extremely guilty and apologized to her for his behavior and for blaming her for everything that had happened in his life in the past few days. He finally confessed his feelings to her. His confession was the best scene of the episode for me!

‘Bohat Pyar Karta Hun Tumse, Usse Kahi Ziada Jitna Tum Mujhe Chahti Ho’

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A tear escaped her eye when he confessed and she immediately opened her eyes. She had been waiting to hear this for a long time and there was a huge smile on her face when she heard his confession. Adeel had always loved her but he was afraid to admit it even to himself. He just could not get past the humiliation of being wrongly accused by her parents and accept her whole wholeheartedly.

After this we saw the most awaited scenes between the two. We saw a completely changed Adeel altogether. He started taking care of Silah and finally accepted her as his wife. The way they both teamed up and set the house together was beautifully shown. Another scene that I liked was when Adeel cooked breakfast for Silah and their cute conversation after that when he asks her why she had stopped calling him Adi like she used to, and she replied because he told her too!

‘Tum Mujhe Jo Bhi Kaho, Bas Mujhse Kabhi Naraz Mat Hona’
‘Ager Ho Bhi Gaee To Ap Mujhe Mana Lena’


These are another set of dialogues that brought a smile to my face when I heard them. Their relationship strengthened and blossomed after this and we saw the romantic side of Adeel. Now the tables have turned and Silah is seen as the shy one while Adeel has gotten bolder and it was a treat to watch this new side of him. Who knew the serious, boring Adeel can actually turn out to be quite romantic? I loved the way they both asked each other to close the lights and ended up going to sleep with the lights on!

Sarwat Gillani was also introduced in this show as Zoya, Adeel and Silah’s new neighbor. Her role in the drama has not been revealed yet as we barely saw her in two or three scenes. I am curious to know what her role is in the show. Will she be the reason for their separation or will she be the person to unite them? We saw her bonding with Silah in this episode and she also witnessed the love between both husband and wife. I personally would not like to see her in a negative role. Imran Abbas was simply superb in the hospital scene! Sanam Jung also gave her best in the scene where she cries while remembering her father. Sarwat Gillani looks brilliant in this new role and I hope it is a promising character.

The plot is getting more and more interesting by the day. The preview for the next episode seems promising. Let’s hope we get to see an equally entertaining episode next week!
Keep watching!

Mariam Shafiq


My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.


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