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Dil-e-Muzter Episode 19 – Ahmer or Adeel?

The show just got more interesting! All I can say is that I am totally hooked and I was hanging on each dialogue in this episode. Sanam Jung just keeps getting better and I even liked Imran Abbas in this episode. He never stood out in this serial because of Sanam and Sarwat but since the past 2 episodes, he has been difficult to ignore.

At the beginning when the episode started, I was in favor of Silah marrying Ahmer. I was surprised to know that Silah already knows that Safeena and Ahmer’s dad wants Ahmer and her to get married and she also knows that Ahmer has feelings for her. Ahmer finally opened up a little and tried to tell Silah to move on and look around her and notice people who love her immensely. He said it in an indirect way but his meaning was clear and Silah also understood what he was hinting at but she did not respond to it and kept silent. Ahmer, Silah and Affan looked like a perfect family when they went for shopping together. They all looked so happy but then Silah saw Adeel there and all her happiness went down the drain. Silah tries so hard to show that Adeel’s presence does not affect her but it is obvious that she gets disturbed everytime she faces him.

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The old manipulative Zoya is back who knew how to fool Adeel with her words but this time surprisingly, he does not get fooled. Five years are enough to judge a person and he now knows the real Zoya perfectly and when she sweetly asked him to get Silah back and that she was ready to accept her in this house, he did not believe a word of it. He used to be a very bad judge of people but now he has learnt his lesson, at least in Zoya’s case.

Uske Dil Mein Ab Mere Liyeah Koi Jagah Baqi Nahi Rahi

Aur Tumhare Dil Mein?

I liked this exchange of dialogue between Zoya and Adeel. He kept silent when she asked him if Silah was still in his heart. Zoya is just deluding herself when she says that Adeel loves her when it is apparent that he does not.

Zoya and Adeel scenes just manage to crack me up at times! I was laughing so hard when I saw Zoya with that dark red lipstick and a plastic flower in her hair and Adeel’s comment just made me laugh even harder! Why is Zoya so obsessed with orange and red lipstick anyway? I may hate her but I must admit that she entertains me a lot with her antics.

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By the end of the episode, especially the last 10 minutes my opinion changed a bit and a part of me now wants Silah to go back to Adeel. When Adeel went to Sami’s house and confessed that he still loves Silah and has never been able to forget her, I softened towards him. I was glad that Silah heard this confession but Adeel ruined it by adding Ahmer’s name in the end and voicing his disgusting views about Silah and Ahmer.

There is a huge misunderstanding between them and it really needs to get cleared but how will it get cleared when they are not even ready to speak to each other! Adeel is going to try in the next episode to talk to Silah but it does not look like Silah is ready to speak to him anytime soon. Silah is trying her best to take a professional approach when it comes to Adeel as she did not refrain from praising Adeel’s work in front of Sami, though she refused to call Adeel in her office and appreciate his work in front of him but Sami did tell Adeel that Silah liked his work in an indirect way.

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The last three or four minutes of the episode when the title song of the show was playing were superb! It was just beautifully directed and edited. Hats off to Shehzaad Kashmiri and the editing team! The extremely awkward elevator scene was emotionally charged because even though there were no dialogues, it was full of emotions and the expressions of both the actors said it all.

Now I am really looking forward to the next episode. I cannot wait to see Adeel trying to explain himself to Silah. Safeena also got to know that Adeel is working in Silah’s office and now she is going to take strict measures to end their relationship.

So what are your views on the episode guys? Do you guys want Silah and Adeel back together or do you guys want to see Silah with Ahmer?

Mariam Shafiq

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.


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