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Dil-e-Muzter Last Episode – A Happy Ending!

Dil-e-Muzter came to end this week and even though the end was predictable from the beginning there was still a little hope that the ending might change. But after watching the episode I am glad it did not change. Even though I was never in favor of Silah going back to Adeel, I really liked the last installment because finally we saw Adeel coming back to his senses. At first, he pleaded and then even threatened Silah to give him Affan, he was confused about what step to take. On one hand, he had his ego and on the other hand, he had Silah and Affan and for the first time in his life he left go of his ego and chose to follow his heart.

He had been taunting Silah about Ahmer for years but when the lawyer told him to make false accusations on Silah, he just could not stand it. He had been accusing Silah for so many years for something which even he could not bear to hear from another person. He immediately went to Silah and apologized for everything that he had done to her and his actions showed that he felt remorse and was truly sorry. He told her that he still loves her a lot and wants to start his life all over again by both her and Affan by his side. Silah just pointed out that its too late now for regrets and asked him to go back to Zoya and remain sincere to her.

Adeel finally realized all the lies that Zoya had been telling him for all these years and how he had been blindly believing everything that she told him. He finally told her that she means nothing to him as he never loved her because Silah was always in his heart. I just absolutely loved this scene! This shocked Zoya because she could stand anything but not Adeel’s hatred. Adeel finally showed her the reality that her love was always one sided and will always remain that way. Sarwat and Imran both were absolutely fabulous in this scene and the scene where Zoya loses her senses and thinks about everything she had done was brilliantly executed.

Zoya’s guilt and regret was a total treat to watch. The scene where she comes to Silah’s house and begs for forgiveness made me teary eyed because I was so happy for Silah. She had finally made the decision to go away from Silah and Adeel’s life. Thankgod!


I truly felt bad for Ahmer when Silah could not sign the divorce papers. Even though she did not intend to go back to Adeel, she still could not end their relationship. Ahmer was shocked and heart broken but he did not want to pressurize her in any way. Well, Silah might have gone back to Adeel but I still love Ahmer’s character more.


Ahmer turned out to be a true friend as for him, the most important thing was Silah’s happiness. He knew that Silah still loved Adeel and would never be happy with anyone else and he helped to unite Silah and Adeel. The last five minutes where Silah and Adeel look at each other and just cry and remember all their precious moments together in the past was one of the best scenes of this show. Every emotion was clearly written on their faces and when Affan also runs to Adeel and hugs him, the tears of pure happiness came on Silah’s face which brought a huge smile to my face.


Adeel is in no way worthy of Silah because of what he did to her but Silah has always loved him and I doubt she could be happy with Ahmer. She could have made the decision to live alone too but I personally would not have liked that because I always love a HAPPY ending!   But there was one loophole in the show; they did not show how Safeena reacted to this news as she was against Adeel since the very beginning.

I am going to miss this show a lot! I hope we get to see Sanam Jung and Imran Abbas paired up together again in some other show. They had excellent chemistry throughout the show. Sanam Jung has proved herself as a good actress with her very first show. Sarwat Gillani has also shown her versatility with her negative character. The director Shehzaad Kashmiri has done a fantastic job with the execution of every scene. I hope to see more of his work in the future. The editing and cinematography was also just perfect!

Do share your views about this last episode guys! Did you guys approve of the ending or not?

Mariam Shafiq

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.


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