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Kaash Aisa Ho Episode 16 – Review

The whole episode revolved around Minahil and Bilal’s breakup and how he Bilal tries to convince Minahil to come back to the house. However, it does not seem like Minahil is ready to forgive Bilal anytime soon! She has completely lost her trust in him and she finally makes the decision to go abroad to her brother’s house. Bilal seemed very upset at her decision and tried to stop her but it was all in vain as she had already made up her mind. I do not know what to think of Bilal. On one hand, he says he loves Minahil a lot and on the other hand, he lied to her and broke her trust. He admitted his mistake and apologized too but sometimes apology is just not enough! Let’s see if Minahil will come back or if she decides to end their relationship altogether?

Not much happened with Irfa and Shayan in this episode. There has been no contact between them after he came to give Irfa money. He has been having the same arguments with Maleeha over and over again. Maleeha is demanding only one thing from Shayan and that is to leave Irfa but Shayan still refuses to leave her. Adeel Farooqui once again tried to explain her to keep calm and not pressurize Shayan at his point because there is nothing left between Irfa and Shayan and he will leave her eventually. But Maleeha decided to take things in her own hands and ended up on Irfa’s doorstep. She had the guts to offer money to Irfa to leave Shayan! Irfa kept calm throughout her so called ‘deal’ and clearly refused to take money and gave Maleeha a fair piece of her mind. One dialogue spoken by Irfa got embedded in my mind:

“Shayan Ko Khush Karna Aasaan Hai Per Usse Khush Rakhna Bohat Muskil”

Who else would know how hard it is to keep Shayan happy other than Irfa? She had tried her best but failed. It will surely be a daunting task for Maleeha who neither has Irfa’s patience or love in her to deal with a person like Shayan. The scene where she got angry at Shayan because he spoke to some female fans said it all. Shayan is the kind of person who likes and craves attention and Maleeha cannot stand him even talking to some other woman. Her possessive nature would prove to be fatal for their relationship. It seems like Shayan will surely get fed up of her soon.

Bilal had helped Irfa in a very bad time and it was now Irfa’s turn to return the favor. She tried her best to take care of Bilal during Minahil’s absence. She also tried her best to morally support him through the tough time and he appreciates her for this.

What made my heart break is that Shayan even forgot about his daughter! He remembered her when a stranger came to him to ask for donation for kids and he then called Irfa to ask about Rahima. Irfa just could not control her anger when he called her as he knew Rahima needed money for her treatment and he did not send money as he was busy with Maleeha’s birthday. She gave him a good tongue lashing and told him that she had to sell her jewelry for Rahima’s treatment and if Rahima was not there then she would have left him a long time back! This was the first time Shayan actually got scared by Irfa’s outburst. I hope this drives some sense into Shayan and he would at least remember that his daughter is sick and Irfa needs his support at this stage.

I have simply no clue what will happen next! This show is so unpredictable and it really needs to move on already. They are dragging it way too much for my liking. Will Minahil leave Bilal? Will Shayan leave Irfa? Tune in to the show next week to find out!

Mariam Shafiq

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.


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